Ireland’s Energy Audit Scheme (EAS) has focussed large companies on the completion of high quality energy audits by 05th December 2015, to avoid a Class A fine (large company means 250+ employees, or €50m turnover and a balance sheet of €43+m).

An energy audit aims to identify energy savings opportunities –which when acted upon reduce operating costs and increase profit.
An alternate route to EAS compliance is to have 70% of your primary energy use certified to ISO 50001, this not only extends your deadline to June 2016, but helps ensure energy savings opportunities are actually delivered.
There are no state aids to comply with laws such as S.I.426:2014 (the basis for EAS), but you can get funding for training provided the project delivers measurable energy savings. Enterprise Ireland’s (EI) GreenPLUS Business Improvement Grant offers 50% funding towards the internal and external costs of training.
To qualify for EI’s GreenPLUS funding, the business requires commitment from the CEO down and the resources to implement the changes needed to deliver measurable energy savings. Very often the first changes are no or low-cost to the company and deliver cost reductions, which help to increase profit and secure internal funding.
To apply for EI funding, talk to your EI Development Advisor first and confirm your business qualifies.
Whether you comply by way of audit or ISO 50001 certification, when you act on the opportunities identified, you can trade the energy savings for funding in the form of ‘Energy Savings Credits’. Talk to us or your energy supplier about funding in this area.
Conor Molloy (Registered Energy Auditor)
Enterprise Ireland